Resep Choco lava cake lumer (Kukus simple) Lezat

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Choco lava cake lumer (Kukus simple). Resep Lava Cake Chokolat Kukus - Lumer Chokolatnya Meleleh Di Mulut. Beng-beng lava cake kukus mudah dan ekonomis anti gagal !! Chocolava Lumer Tanpa Mixer Tanpa Oven

Choco lava cake lumer (Kukus simple) The simplest chocolava cake is very easy to make. For the cake batter, you will need a basic chocolate cake recipe. Instead of visiting expensive fast food joint or patisseries, you can prepare a choco lava cake simply at home. Kamu bisa membuat Choco lava cake lumer (Kukus simple) dengan 9 resep dan 6 langkah. Ok, begini cara memasaknya.

Resep untuk Choco lava cake lumer (Kukus simple)

  1. Siapkan 50 gram of DCC.
  2. Siapkan 2 sdm of Tepung terigu.
  3. It's 2 sdm of Margarin.
  4. It's 1 sdm of Gula pasir.
  5. Kamu membutuhkan 1 sdm of Coklat bubuk(sya pke Chocolatos).
  6. Kamu membutuhkan 1 butir of telur.
  7. It's of Bahan tabur/topping apa saja.
  8. Siapkan of Gula halus.
  9. It's of Sya pke Milo saja yg ada.

All you would need are a few interesting ingredients and some. Chocolate lava cakes may look fancy and complicated, but you'll quickly realize just how simple they are to make. Let's review the steps Choco lava cake recipe video. Choco lava cakes have to be served hot or warm. once they cool, the molten chocolate solidifies.

Choco lava cake lumer (Kukus simple) step by step

  1. Campur DCC dan Margarin masak Sampai meleleh.
  2. Kocok Telur,gula,smpai berbusa menggunakan whisk/garpu,lalu masukan tepung dan coklat bubuk aduk secara merata.
  3. Setelah itu campurkan Dcc dan margarin yg sdh meleleh tdi ke adonan telur aduk lagi smpai merata.
  4. Setelah itu,Masukan ke dlm cetakan,kukus selama 7-8 menit,tutup kukusan menggunakan kain serbet,kukusx jgn terlalu lama agar cakex bgus dan lumer.
  5. Selamat Mencoba !!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š.
  6. .

But even at room temperature these lava cakes taste good. Chocolate Cake Cake Baking Dessert Low Sodium. Quick and easy to make Chocolate lava cake recipe with video and step by step photos. This decadent and gourment dessert is sure to impress everyone. Meet…the chocolate molten lava cakes of your dreams.